I took the bold step of trying a 1-minute speed date between the bunnies. Generally a car or the bathtub are good location choices for bunny dates to reduce the chance of fighting, because they'll be a bit freaked out and they can't get good traction to fly at each other's throats. So I filled the bathtub with bunny treats, put on my oven mitts for protection, and readied the broom and towels for fight intervention.
Spuckler was not happy and ended up attacking Savvy about 3 times. Impressive for a one-minute time frame. Savvy decided his best strategy was to take the beating while cramming in as much banana as possible before being killed. There were no actual injuries, but as per usual, Savvy lost a hunk of fur. Poor bunny.
Savvy also now thinks the bathtub is a magical treat repository. He keeps exploring the bathroom and craning to see what's in the bathtub, but he's not quite tall enough to see over.
On an unrelated note - why does my hand look like it belongs to a ninety-year-old? I had one hand modeling job with TrackItBack and then it all went downhill. Has anyone seen their ID stickers sold in London Drugs or Walmart, and more importantly, can you recognize my hands on the packaging? I used to be famous. Sigh. I'll have to tell Kevin that I can't do any more housework or manual labour. It ages my cuticles.
Genie came to Ottawa for RCMP training this week. I should mention it was on sex offender stuff so my blog contains the word sex and hits go up. We met up at the Hard Rock Cafe for dinner Friday night and then we had some girly cocktails at Fat Tuesday's. It was pretty cold, although not remotely comparable to Winnipeg, so we didn't really tour around the Market.
I kept pushing to go to the Drink, because they were having a girls night with male underwear models, but Genie's co-worker Gord didn't seem that excited at the prospect of tagging along with us.
Sunday, I picked Genie up from her cousin's and she came over to see my house. I made French toast a la Jamie Oliver, but it pretty much just tasted like regular French toast. Then we sat around and talked about boys. At the stroke of noon we had some wine spritzer cocktails. (For appearance's sake, I waited a few hours later than usual to start my Sunday drinking.) Genie also scared me with numerous sex offender stories. She taught me to watch out for men that smell like musty bus shack. Good advice.
I went to the local community center gym to go running in an attempt to prepare for ultimate frisbee this summer. And, as always, lose 10 pounds. No matter what I weigh, I always want to lose 10 pounds. Unattainable goals keep life interesting.
I'd worn my regular runners outside in the summer, so I thought I'd wear my dance sneakers for 1 night while I washed the regular pair. I knew I wouldn't be doing too much on the first run anyways, so proper support - blah blah - wouldn't matter.
Surprise! It does matter.
I got home and the nails on my big toes were already purple with bruising within a few hours. From past experience, this means it's only a matter of time until they fall off. Maybe I'll have stubs back just in time for open toe shoes at Tess's wedding in the summer. Note that the photo doesn't fully capture the blisters on my pinky toes and heels.
Kevin was in a curling bonspiel this week, so I went with him to the curling club party on Saturday night. It was mostly senior citizens rocking out to bad wedding reception-esque music. At one point, I declared that the d.j. would for sure play Mony Mony next. Everyone doubted my choice, but my psychic powers proved them wrong. I also managed to correctly predict when the Grease medley would be played and Miami Sound Machine's Conga. (Come one, what else would follow Feeling Hot, Hot, Hot? Child's play.) I partially attribute my prediction powers to vast experience attending both weddings AND wedding socials. The double whammy. That's an advantage most Ontario-ans don't have.
It should be noted though, that I predicted I Like Big Butts quite a few times, and that one never happened. So I'm still not ready to invest my life savings in lottery tickets just yet.
The productive part of the evening was that Kevin's 2 teammates play ultimate frisbee and encouraged me to sign up for some clinics. The one I want to go to doesn't start until April, but I may give the sport another try this summer.
I took Spuckler to the vet for a checkup to make sure she was healthy before we start unleashing her on Savvy. All's well, and as a bonus, she didn't bite or pee on the vet.
The best part of the visit was in the waiting room I was sitting next to a guy with a fairly big dog. This old lady passed by the guy and his dog as she was leaving, holding her little, fluffy dog, and starts saying, "What a handsome boy! What a handsome boy!" to them, in a voice that you'd use on a baby. I missed my chance for the best line ever. As soon as she was out the door, I was ready to turn to the guy and deadpan "You're dog's nice too," but I couldn't do it. So single ladies, keep that one in your pocket for future reference.
Clearly an indication I'm getting old. Plus it's harder to pull off when you're brunette and displaying evidence of being a crazy bunny lady.
Kevin's Aunt Cathy passed away early in the morning, January 7, so we went to Toronto for the weekend to attend her memorial service. It was a long battle with cancer and a hard struggle in December and January. Luckily Kevin's mother was able to stay with her every night she was in the hospital, right until the end.
My work had its official holiday celebration yesterday. This was in addition to the beer, eggnog & rum and Bailey's we break we had on Dec. 21 before the office shut down for the break. I made Jell-o jigglers in Christmas shapes, with a splash of vodka for that party.
The real party last night was timed so Ralph from the German office and Bjorn from the Portland, OR office would be in town to drink with us Canadians. We had a nice catered dinner at the Executive Director's house, which is about a 5-minute drive from our house and about a 1-minute drive from the office. This works out well if alcohol over-indulgence ever occurs. Although a 30 minute walk in heels during winter wouldn't be ideal. In any case, I kept it in check.
No one really drank too much or did anything stupid. I guess I'll have to try harder next year.
I'm a monthly donor to Rabbit Rescue, a charity that rescues "last chance" rabbits that have run out of time at shelters in Ontario. I, of course, stalk their adoptable animals page and couldn't resist any longer. Damn those sad bunny eyes!
So the latest addition to my herd is Spuckler. She's light brown with a white stomach and tail. She's an adult, but I don't know how old she is exactly. She's also my first bunny with ears that stick up. Why Spuckler? My last female rabbit was named after Brandine, one of the hillbilly characters from The Simpsons. Brandine's last name is Spuckler, so it's sort of a Brandine II thing.
We just got her yesterday afternoon, so she's still a bit freaked out. We're told that she'll pull on your pants leg if she wants attention and if you're not quick enough with the food she'll box at your hand. The lady we picked her up up from gave us some of her toys - a stuffed bear, a ball-shaped rattle and a plastic key. Based on yesterday's experience, it seems that she likes to hump the bear and kick the rattle around at 2:00 in the morning. I'm intrigued to find out what the key is for.
Savvy knows something is up but hasn't really figured it out because we have her in a cage on a high table when he's in the room. It will probably be about 3 weeks before we actually let them meet each other, so stay tuned for many tales of butt fur ripping and territory marking.
My resolution #1 is to send more updates to all the girls, so I'm kicking off the Lynngo blog. I hope to fill it with many embarrassing photos and stories for your amusement. Plus I can cull it for content when I retire and decide to publish my memoirs.
New Years Eve was semi-quiet. We had 3 people over for dinner - Felipe from Kevin's work, his wife Hanita, and Matt, who used to curl with Kevin in Montreal. We cooked some dinner and the drinking was pretty tame so I thankfully had no hangover to start 2008. Matt's wife Cindy had to work, but she managed to get to our place at 11:45, in time for a drink during the countdown.
It was a good opportunity to force people to play board games with us so we had 3 rounds of Killer Bunnies and 1 game of Cranium.
Despite the lack of hangover I stayed in pajamas all day today. What better way to celebrate?